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Invia Fertility

Specialists Blog

A Guide to Fertility Treatment Abbreviations and Acronyms

So you are reading your instructions or your prescription bottles and there are all these letters and symbols. What do they mean and why are they used? read more

What will happen to me on the day of my Intrauterine Insemination?

So you have met with your doctor and the recommended next step is either fertility pills (Clomid, Serophene, Letrazole, Tamoxifen) or injectables (Follistim, Gonal-F, Bravelle, Menopur) with IUI. ... read more

What Do These Numbers Mean???? Part III Pregnancy monitoring

OK, so you have completed your cycle, be it the old fashioned way (intercourse), IUI, IVF. You call with a positive home pregnancy test or you come in for your scheduled pregnancy test. If you got ... read more

What Do These Numbers Mean???? Part II (Cycle monitoring)

OK, so you have had your nurse consult. All you heard was…….blah, blah, shot, needle, blah. Don’t fret. We tell you each step of the way what your results are and your next steps. The "patient ... read more

What Do These Numbers Mean???? Part I (Pretesting work up)

OK, so you have been to your infertility doctor. You hear…..blah, blah, blah…… Then you met with the nurse who also said…….blah, blah, blah. What you missed in the blah’s was your pretesting work up. ... read more


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