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Meet our Health and Wellness Coach

laurenI’d like to introduce myself as Innovative Fertility Solutions latest addition, I am their Health and Wellness Coach. I was brought in to run their weight loss system, Ideal Protein. I’ve had an extensive background in weight loss starting with my own personal journey which has changed my life. I had learned so much and yearned to learn even more, leading me to enroll in the Institute for Integrative Nutrition, I graduated as a Certified Health Coach. My niche was weight loss and I spent the next few years running competitive weight loss programs for corporations as well as for groups and for individuals in my private practice.

What appealed to me about joining InVia, was this scientifically and medically designed system, Ideal Protein. Unlike diets I had seen in the past, the difference was in the fact it works to burn stored fat while maintaining muscle which doesn’t happen in other diets. What else impressed me was the 4 phases to the program, that’s where my expertise comes in, I listen to why they are ready to lose weight and how to navigate through their obstacles, I educate them on choices, support and keep them accountable. It’s designed to be a gradual process which creates lasting results for an improved lifestyle.

What excites me is the fact these people will now be better educated to raise their families right, to start the next generation on a road to health! This system has been so successful that due to demand we have now made the Ideal Program System available to their families, friends and to the public. I feel rewarded with each and every changed life! If you or someone you know, is ready to take control of your health, I look forward to getting you started!

Interested in further information or to schedule your appointment to begin the Ideal Protein System Contact:

Lauren Wismer

Health and Wellness Coach



Ideal Protein Diet Weight loss

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