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Miscarriages are not uncommon when trying to conceive a child. However, if you’ve had two or more miscarriages, you may be experiencing recurrent pregnancy loss.
Our InVia Fertility center near Arlington Heights, Illinois, can help you navigate recurrent pregnancy loss and get treatment that helps you grow your family.
There is not always a known cause for recurrent pregnancy loss. Advancements in reproductive medicine and fertility care have helped identify some causes of recurrent pregnancy loss, but research is still ongoing. The most common causes of recurrent pregnancy loss have been identified as:
Sometimes, the structure of your uterus can affect your risk of miscarriage. Your uterus may have polyps from a condition like polycystic ovary syndrome, adhesions, or a condition called a separate uterus, where the uterus is divided by a wall of tissue. Surgery can remove these structural issues to help increase the likelihood of a successful pregnancy.
Some health conditions, such as uncontrolled diabetes, autoimmune disorders, or thyroid disease, can increase the risk of miscarriage. Treating and properly managing these conditions can decrease the risk of miscarriage.
There are genetic factors that can affect the risk of miscarriage during pregnancy. Genetic testing for you and your partner can make you aware of these potential risks. Your fertility specialist can develop a plan to help you grow your family based on the information the genetic test provides.
A fertility specialist will attempt to determine the cause of recurrent pregnancy loss through physical examinations and diagnostic tests. Your fertility specialist will likely request your medical history and family history to determine if there is a factor that may have already been identified.
A pelvic exam can help determine if there is a structural cause for infertility or recurrent pregnancy loss. Imaging may be an option if your fertility specialist needs more information on your uterine structure. Your fertility specialist will also request bloodwork to test hormone levels, immune system, and genetic factors.
Many people who struggle with recurrent pregnancy loss still have a family. It is completely normal to take time to grieve after a miscarriage before considering fertility treatment. Our team may be able to recommend someone who can help you navigate any feelings you and your partner experience after a miscarriage.
Our fertility specialists can help you grow your family with customized fertility treatments. We will be with you every step of the way. If a reason for recurrent pregnancy loss is identified, your fertility specialist can provide you with the treatment you need, including medication or fertility surgery.
You are not alone when experiencing miscarriages. If you’re searching for treatment for recurring pregnancy loss near Arlington Heights, IL, schedule an appointment at an InVia Fertility clinic. Our team understands the emotions that come with a miscarriage, and we will help you navigate those feelings while getting the care you need to grow your family. Contact us to schedule an appointment today.
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Karande and Associates d/b/a InVia
Fertility Specialists