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How can you determine if you need an egg donor as opposed to doing IVF using your own eggs? Many factors come in to play in making this decision. Ultimately, it's all about the egg quality.
In this post, we list some of the reasons your egg quality may be diminished, and how our doctors work with you to help you decide if you want to go ahead with egg donation.
The quality of your own eggs may be compromised for a variety of reasons. These include;
And, of course, gay men or single men who want to have families via assisted reproduction will need to use an egg donor.
At our Chicago fertility clinic, you'll meet with one of our doctors if any of these factors are in play. He or she will review your previous cycles, discuss your lab results, and explain any other reason that an egg donor would be best for your next cycle in an attempt to achieve pregnancy.
Deciding to use an egg donor is a huge decision to make, and may couples struggle with it. To help our patients understand what is involved psychologically and to help bring about questions that you might not know you have, we have our recipients and partners meet with a psychologist. This decision isn’t to be made lightly, and we like our patients to have all resources available to them.
Choosing an egg donor offers a chance for a woman to carry a pregnancy and to feel a bond with that baby while it grows inside her. It also offers the potential for there to be a genetic link with the intended father.
If you think you might need an egg donor, or just have questions about a recipient cycle and what it entails, please call our office today to schedule an appointment!
Egg donation Infertility treatment Recurrent pregnancy loss Diminished ovarian reserve
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Karande and Associates d/b/a InVia
Fertility Specialists