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Audrey Hepburn once said “I love people who make me laugh. I honestly think it's the thing I like most, to laugh. It cures a multitude of ills.” I believe this is true, and a study conducted at an IVF clinic in Israel suggests that laughter might help a woman’s chances of getting pregnant after an embryo transfer, too!
The idea that laughter is therapeutic has been widely accepted. We all know that stress levels that can lead to negative changes, both mentally and physically. It is suggested by the authors of this study, that laughter and humor may reduce those negative stress changes and in that manner, aid in implantation of the embryos by keeping stress levels stable.
The study, published in 2011 in the journal Fertility and Sterility, showed a significantly higher pregnancy rate in patients exposed to “clown intervention” immediately after embryo transfer. In their study, a clown visited the IVF clinic immediately after embryo transfer. The clown provided about 15 minutes of jokes and tricks designed to make you laugh. Amazingly, the pregnancy rate in the clown intervention group was 36.4% which was significantly higher than the 20.2% pregnancy rate observed for the control group!
The idea that laughter is therapeutic has been widely accepted. We all know that stress levels that can lead to negative changes, both mentally and physically. It is suggested by the authors of this study, that laughter and humor may reduce those negative stress changes and in that manner, aid in implantation of the embryos by keeping stress levels stable.
While this is only one small study, there is certainly nothing to be lost by trying a dose of laughter after your embryo transfer. Bring a funny book, listen to some jokes, have your partner accompany you so they can wear a funny bunny suit and hat; whatever it takes to make you laugh and de-stress and be joyful. Just please don’t ask for a clown to come to the clinic-- your embryologist is scared to pieces by them!
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