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Nadine’s InVia Story – Reassurance, Support, and a Baby Boy!

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Even before Nadine started trying for a baby, she had an intuition that things might not go smoothly. But she and her husband Steve spent more than two years attempting to conceive before they finally decided to seek fertility treatment. “I was getting worried due to my advancing maternal age,” says Nadine. She was also “tired of people and doctors telling me to ‘keep trying’ and that ‘it will happen’.”

Her OB-GYN referred her to InVia Fertility Specialists. While trying to decide whether to pursue treatment, Nadine and Steve did their research. They found the doctors’ collective experience and strong backgrounds encouraging. They also appreciated the convenience of InVia’s multiple locations. Positive reviews from former patients helped seal the deal, and Nadine chose to go ahead with InVia.

Working with Dr. Puscheck and InVia

Nadine’s primary care provider at InVia was Dr. Elizabeth Puscheck. “Dr. Puscheck is very compassionate,” Nadine says. “She listens to your concerns and addresses any questions that you have. She never makes you feel ridiculous for asking, and she even responds very quickly through the online portal—often on the same day!”

Dr. Sigal Klipstein also cared for Nadine, performing her egg retrieval and embryo transfer. “Dr. Klipstein was wonderful. She made me feel comfortable in a time of intense anxiety and awkwardness, and you could tell her level of skill, as she did it all very confidently and swiftly. All the providers are amazing!”


When asked to sum up her treatment experience with InVia in one word, Nadine says it was “reassuring”.

“It was reassuring because rain or shine, holiday or weekend, the staff was always there to help with my treatments. It could be 5:45 AM on a cold, dreary and freezing day and a nurse was always there before you to draw your blood! All the nurses were great, but one in particular, Monica, always made me feel encouraged. One day, I was feeling incredibly down, and she gave me a long hug. That single action changed my outlook in an instant and gave me the reassurance to continue.”

Welcome Baby Anthony!

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Nadine and Steve were lucky enough to conceive successfully after the very first round of IVF. In mid-August of this year, they welcomed their son Anthony. Anthony entered the world weighing 7 pounds 9 ounces and stretching out to a very tall 20.5 inches! “He is the sweetest little guy and the best thing to happen to us,” Nadine says. “He is truly our miracle.”

Surviving Fertility Treatment: Don’t Compare, Trust the Process, Never Give Up

When it comes to offering advice to people just starting out on fertility treatment, Nadine has one major rule: don’t play the comparison game. “Everyone's story and path in life is different,” she says. “You could compare by searching every forum on the internet, but ultimately, your path is your own and what you make of it.”

She also points out that fertility treatment doesn’t go the way you expect it to. “Rarely does your planned timeline actualize into reality,” Nadine explains. Trying to place a timeline on your fertility journey is likely to lead to frustration. She also emphasizes the importance of trusting your providers.

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“InVia has a set process in place and they know what they are doing. Don’t be afraid to ask questions when you are not sure of your next steps.”

Finally, Nadine encourages fellow fertility treatment patients to never give up. “The process is time consuming, taxing on your body, and it is frustrating to keep getting pricked to the point your arms look like pin cushions. In the end, though, the outcome is well worth that pain.”

Thank you for sharing your story, Nadine, and thank you for choosing InVia Fertility Specialists!

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