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Invia Fertility

Specialists Blog

When is the Right Time to Use Donor Eggs?

I met with a group of people last week who were considering using donor eggs to start or grow their families. My impression was that they were all in various stages of the decision-making process. ... read more

Dealing with Insensitive and Hurtful Comments during Infertility

Let me be the first to say that before infertility smacked me in the face, I may have hurt or offended others by asking insensitive or even ignorant questions about their fertility struggles. I want ... read more

How to Support Someone Struggling with Infertility

One in six couples struggles with infertility, so that means someone, somewhere in your life is trying to cope with the stress and heartbreak brought on by not being able to build a family. Offering ... read more

Putting one foot in front of the other during infertility

As I stalked my former CEO one day while he continued to meet with one person after another in his office, my stomach was doing flip-flops. I had trouble discerning if the tingles were a result of my ... read more

Don’t Worry Your Worry Will Get Bigger

I have hesitated to write about my mom experiences in this blog/forum because I remember how annoying it was when my friends used to prattle on about their current-day issues with their kids back ... read more

I was Hoping I would have a Baby by This Weekend

Wouldn’t it be nice if there were a clear-cut process that would guarantee you a healthy child within a specific (short) time frame? Whether you're trying to conceive naturally, enduring fertility ... read more

It’s Not My Party but I’ll Cry If I Want To

I never subscribed to the notion that sharing news of one’s pregnancy, in the early stages, was a bad idea for fear that the pregnancy may not last. Personally, I was elated when I found out that I ... read more

All I Want for Christmas is a Baby

Yes, I remember my Christmas pasts when I yearned for the same blessing. I thought that if I was to believe in Santa, those were the times he should have proven his magic to me/us. My only message to ... read more

Is my infertility my fault?

When I was in the midst of my despair after having lost 2 pregnancies, I began to wonder, “Is all of this my fault? Did I wait too long to try to have a family? Should I have settled down sooner?” ... read more

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