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Invia Fertility

Specialists Blog

Does the IVF Process Hurt?

As a nurse doing consultations before IVF treatment, I'm often asked, "Does it hurt?" The IVF process can be intimidating, and many patients naturally have a fear of the unknown. To help ease this ... read more

Can You Lower My FSH Level?

One of our routine tests is to evaluate egg quality is a day-3 follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) level. A high FSH level indicates diminished quality of a woman's eggs (ovarian reserve). Patients ... read more

How Accurate Is a Home Pregnancy Test with IVF?

10 days!? 12 days!? I have to wait how long to find out if I’m pregnant or not!? While patients engaged in IVF are scheduled as early as possible for their serum (blood) hCG level (pregnancy test), ... read more

Why Do We Start Clomiphene Citrate (Clomid) on Day 5 of the Cycle?

Clomiphene citrate (Clomid, Serophene) is a common medication used to treat infertility. It has been used in the United States since 1967. In patients that do not ovulate, clomiphene citrate is used ... read more

What Does My hCG Level Mean?

So you're in the IVF process, and now you’ve waited the long 10-16 days for your first pregnancy test. Your hCG level comes back positive. Congratulations! Then the panic sets in. Is my number too ... read more

Optimizing Implantation

Once a healthy, developing embryo is successfully transferred into your uterus, it has to attach itself to the uterine lining and then grow there, a process known as implantation. For successful ... read more

5 Frequently Asked Questions About Intrauterine Inseminations (IUI)

Can’t I just take the meds and have intercourse instead of inseminations? Doing an insemination around the time you are ovulating will increase your chance of achieving a pregnancy. During ... read more

Age and Fertility Decline

It is not a surprise to many that fertility declines with age. Most women have learned early on that as they get older, their chances of becoming pregnant become less and less. Fertility begins to ... read more

My Doctor ordered Methotrexate-what does that mean for me?

Methotrexate is a commonly prescribed medication used to treat ectopic pregnancies. Ectopic pregnancy is defined as any pregnancy growing outside the uterus. It is most commonly found in the ... read more

Single Injection Technique….Same Meds, Less Shots!

One of the most common types of IVF cycles is the Ganirelix protocol. This protocol involves starting with oral contraceptives and then beginning the 2 stimulation medications which are most commonly ... read more

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