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Invia Fertility

Specialists Blog

Facts About Egg, Sperm, or Embryo Donation

What is an egg, sperm, or embryo donation? A donation is when you use the eggs, sperm, or embryos from someone else in an effort to help an intended parent achieve a pregnancy. Why would you use a ... read more

Egg Donor Recipients: Think Your Weight Doesn’t Matter? Think Again!

Recently there was a paper in the journal Fertility and Sterility (Fertil Steril 2013;100:1050–8) about a study that was done in Spain with egg donors and egg donor recipients to see if the body mass ... read more

Freeze MY Eggs??

Yes, YOU! Whether you’re the super busy career woman, the girl who’s just not yet ready to settle down, the woman that hasn’t yet found quite the right partner, or the forever student, freezing your ... read more

When Will My Transfer Be??

When I first meet with egg donor recipients, one of their first questions, before even look at the egg donor profiles is, “When will my transfer be?”. I explain to them that first we need to choose ... read more

Will my baby look like me?

This is a question that a lot of egg donor (and sperm donor) recipients ask themselves. Will people know that I used a donor? Will they comment that the baby doesn’t look like me? How will I handle ... read more

New Year – New Outlook

With New Year’s Day right around the corner, many of us find ourselves wondering what kind of resolution we can make, and then worrying if we can actually keep it. No matter who you are or where you ... read more

Egg Donor Recruitment and Compensation

At InVia Fertility, we do advertise online to recruit egg donors into our Egg Donor Program. We advertise on Google, Facebook, and Craigslist, mainly. In recruiting donors, we are not offering to pay ... read more

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