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Invia Fertility

Specialists Blog

How to choose an egg donor -- Part II

Donors: Anonymous InVia, Anonymous Agency, or Known – Which is Right for You? read more

How to choose an egg donor

Last week I assumed the role of Egg Donor Coordinator for InVia Fertility. I have found it to be challenging, rewarding, interesting, exciting and nerve-wracking all at the same time. And it’s only ... read more

Mississipi Personhood Amendment

The Mississippi Personhood Amendment is a citizen initiative to amend the Mississippi Constitution to define personhood as beginning at fertilization or “the functional equivalent thereof.” They ... read more

Egg Donor Compensation Part III I’m Going to Donate ALL the Time!!

Slow down there, Miss Eager Donor. Yes, a donor does receive $8,000 per completed cycle, and yes, that is a lot of money, but there are limitations. First of all, a donor may undergo a maximum of six ... read more

Egg Donor Compensation Part II Why $8000??

This is the competitive rate. It’s that simple. The market forces involved that set the precedent are fair and therefore, we need to be within that range with our own program. We do not believe that ... read more

Egg Donor Compensation Part I You Give Me Money For What?!

First of all, we don’t give donors money for anything. When a couple in need of an egg donor comes in, selects a donor and signs their contract, they are required to put the donor’s compensation of ... read more

Egg donors do your homework!

Search any news media website. Type “egg donor” in the search box and check out the results. “Eggs forSale”. “Is Egg Donation Worth the Risk?” “Dangers in Donating Eggs”. Those are just some of the ... read more

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