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Invia Fertility

Specialists Blog

Most Parents Using Egg Donor Plan to Tell Child, Study Shows

One major topic of discussion between a couple who is using an egg donor is whether or not they are going to disclose this information to their children later. As the egg donor coordinator at InVia ... read more

Management of Premature Ovarian Failure

Premature ovarian failure (POF) or premature ovarian insufficiency (POI) is defined by loss of ovarian activity before the age of 40 years. It is characterized by menstrual disturbance (absent or ... read more

Choosing an egg donor: Genetic carrier testing update

Genetic carrier testing is one of the main topics fertility patients ask about when choosing an egg donor. A lot has changed in genetic carrier testing since my last blog about it last year. Because ... read more

Role of a Psychologist in Third Party Reproduction

Since the first child from third party reproduction was born, many studies have been done to evaluate and ensure the welfare of that child, as well as all children conceived using the same means that ... read more

IVF Failure and Finding the Perfect Egg Donor

IVF, while being a popular and largely successful fertility treatment, isn't foolproof. As with anything, there are some instances of IVF failure. Knowing the common causes of IVF failure and your ... read more

Men having babies conference

Staff at InVia table. R-L: Dr. Sigal Klipstein, Vicki Meagher, and Todd Mensik. read more

Egg donor and surrogacy at InVia Fertility

On August 20, InVia Fertility Specialists launched a new Egg Donor and Surrogacy section of our website! These new pages are full of information on: read more

Using Genetic Carrier Testing When Choosing an Egg Donor

For fertility patients who are choosing an egg donor, the health of the donor is a critical concern. One way recipients can be assured of the health of the donor is to work with a fertility clinic ... read more

Best Methods of Egg Freezing for Fertility Preservation

For many years, scientists all over the world have been experimenting with egg freezing (oocyte cryopreservation) techniques for fertility preservation. Recently, significant advances in technology ... read more

Facts About Egg, Sperm, or Embryo Donation

What is an egg, sperm, or embryo donation? A donation is when you use the eggs, sperm, or embryos from someone else in an effort to help an intended parent achieve a pregnancy. Why would you use a ... read more

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