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Specialists Blog
At InVia Fertility Specialists, a small but significant percentage (? 5%) of our patients are taking antidepressants. The commonest medications being used are the selective serotonin reuptake ... read more
Feeling stress is part of our biological survival mechanism as human beings. It is a signal that danger is impending and action must be taken to seek safety. While it is a simple matter to obey ... read more
It’s a scary, unexpected thing, when as an egg donor you have your hormones drawn and an ultrasound performed, and then are told you don’t qualify medically for an egg donor program. In addition to ... read more
“I’m using an egg donor to have a good, high quality egg, should I be concerned about my partner’s age?” Is there a connection between male age and donor egg pregnancy rates? read more
In a recent issue of Fertility and Sterility, Dr. David Meldrum from Reproductive Partners Medical Group, Redondo Beach, California discussed the different facets of preventing ovarian ... read more
I have previously discussed the impact of the thyroid gland on female reproduction. Hypothyroidism (“low” thyroid) is fairly common and according to the National Health and Nutrition Examination ... read more
If you are having trouble getting pregnant and are a poor ovarian responder, you may have heard that ovarian response can be increased with testosterone during IVF. The possibility of using ... read more
Endometriosis happens when the lining of the uterus (womb) grows outside of the uterus. It affects about 5 million American women. Endometriosis is especially common among women in their 30s and 40s; ... read more
I’m often asked by donors how many cycles they are allowed to do and the answer is always six. But where did that number come from? Did we make it up? Can they go somewhere else and do more? read more
Endometriosis is a condition where cells that normally line the uterus begin to grow on the outer surface of the uterus and can invade the ovary, causing blood-filled cysts called endometriomas. ... read more
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Karande and Associates d/b/a InVia
Fertility Specialists