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Specialists Blog
After months or years of having trouble getting pregnant, all the action and the excitement of taking injections, going for scans, monitoring your blood test results and admiring your embryos is now ... read more
Having trouble sleeping? 1 in 3 people do, according to the CDC. For women who are trying to conceive, chronic sleeplessness can interfere with hormone balance, affecting ovulation and menstruation. ... read more
As a couple, you have most probably been on the emotional roller coaster ride that comes with infertility treatment for any length of time. Going through the sequence of treatments from fertility ... read more
So, you are going through a treatment cycle and have had an intrauterine insemination or an embryo transfer. You are now in the two week waiting period for the pregnancy test results that will be a ... read more
Infertility is a profoundly stressful experience, physically and psychologically, write Dr Alice Domar and Lauren Prince in their recent study in Sexuality, Reproduction and Menopause. The study ... read more
Age-related infertility is something fertility clinics are seeing increasingly, as more couples work on getting pregnant after 40. It is a fact that one cannot change one's biological age. The ... read more
One in six couples struggles with infertility, so that means someone, somewhere in your life is trying to cope with the stress and heartbreak brought on by not being able to build a family. Offering ... read more
Presented by ASRM and the MHPG. read more
Presented by The American Society for Reproductive Medicine and developed by The Mental Health Professional Group. read more
In this post, one of InVia Fertility's patients shares what he has learned in supporting his wife during IVF. read more
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Karande and Associates d/b/a InVia
Fertility Specialists