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Specialists Blog
The thyroid is a butterfly-shaped gland in the base of your neck just below the Adam’s apple. It produces several hormones, all of which play an important role in your body's metabolism-- and your ... read more
The importance of egg quality in women trying to conceive can not be stressed enough. Women are born with a certain, and finite, number of eggs. Even though there may be more eggs present in the ... read more
Early pregnancy bleeding is fairly common and occurs in 20 – 30% of pregnancies. Vaginal bleeding in early pregnancy can be worrying, so it's only natural that if it happens to you, you're concerned ... read more
A uterine septum is a common anomoly of the uterus that is seen in 1 – 15 per 1,000 women (shown in the picture at right). In this condition, the cavity of the uterus is separated by a long piece of ... read more
For many decades, we focused mainly on sperm count and motility when doing a semen analysis. For the past 25 years or so, especially with the advent of in-vitro fertilization (IVF), fertility ... read more
So you are reading your instructions or your prescription bottles and there are all these letters and symbols. What do they mean and why are they used? read more
Recent studies have suggested a relationship between the diet of both partners and fertility, including the impact of obesity. Dietary supplements for fertility are one of a number of things that ... read more
Letrozole (marketed as Femara in the U.S.) is a drug that is approved for the treatment of breast cancer after surgery. It is also used (“off label”) for ovulation induction. I have discussed its ... read more
This post is from an anonymous egg donor who responded to a comment on the blog. I liked it so much that I am posting it as a separate post. I would also like to take this opportunity to thank her ... read more
When undergoing an IVF cycle, you have a lot on your mind. If you are like most people, egg quality is typically not first on the list. However, egg quality is one of the single most important ... read more
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Karande and Associates d/b/a InVia
Fertility Specialists