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Invia Fertility

Specialists Blog

Understanding the Causes of Failed IVF

A failed IVF cycle is heart-wrenching. Your dreams of a pregnancy are shattered, your hard-earned money has gone down the tube, and you do not know what to do next! As humans we all need explanations ... read more

Does Vitamin D influence anti-mullerian hormone (AMH) levels?

Anti-mullerian hormone (AMH) is now a well-established marker of ovarian reserve. AMH is released by the (granulosa) cells surrounding small (antral and pre-antral) follicles in the ovary. It ... read more

When Egg Donation Is Recommended: Are You Talking to Us?

As a couple, you have most probably been on the emotional roller coaster ride that comes with infertility treatment for any length of time. Going through the sequence of treatments from fertility ... read more

Implantation Failure in IVF - Why Does It Happen?

“My doctor said that my embryos looked picture-perfect, yet they failed to implant – why did this happen?” This is the question in the minds of women who undergo IVF failure, and this becomes a ... read more

Why Does a Thin Endometrium Lower Embryo Implantation?

For successful implantation to occur, an embryo needs a “receptive” uterine lining (endometrium). A thin endometrium can result in lower implantation of the embryo. In previous blogs, Katie Koss and ... read more

What is the Best Time to Get Pregnant?

Many couples who are trying to get pregnant think that the more sex they have, the better. The truth is that there is only a small window each month during which a woman can become pregnant. This ... read more

How to Increase AMH Levels on Your Own

If you're having trouble getting pregnant, you've probably heard of anti-mullerian hormone or AMH. The level of the hormone's presence in the body is directly linked to the number of growing ... read more

Top 10 Facts about Cycle Day-3 Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) Level

1) It is generally accepted that as a woman ages, her ability to reproduce will diminish and she will begin having trouble getting pregnant. read more

Varicocele surgery: does it work?

Varicocele is the presence of abnormally dilated veins in the scrotum. Its association with infertility, treatment and indications for varicocele surgery has been discussed in previous blogs. This ... read more

Recurrent Pregnancy Loss: What if All the Tests Are Normal?

In approximately half the couples with recurrent pregnancy loss (RPL) the tests will all come back normal. These include tests for checking the uterine cavity (hysterosalpingogram, sonohysterogram, ... read more

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