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Specialists Blog
No, it's not what you think. This isn't a holiday greeting. The Three H's I'm referring to are: read more
So you have had your insemination or your embryo transfer and the wait has begun. It is so hard to wait until your scheduled pregnancy test. If you are like some people, you start reading on line ... read more
Since the early days of the IVF process, it was noted that some patients responded to ovarian stimulation from fertility injections (gonadotropins) with decreased follicular response and low ... read more
Progesterone is a hormone that is responsible for making the uterine lining receptive (“secretory transformation”) for the embryo to implant. In natural cycles, progesterone is produced after ... read more
Well, sports fans, we have just finished the baseball season and are in the peak of football and ice hockey season. For any team to be successful there must be communication and recognition for all ... read more
The Mississippi Personhood Amendment is a citizen initiative to amend the Mississippi Constitution to define personhood as beginning at fertilization or “the functional equivalent thereof.” They ... read more
It was in 1992 when Dan Rather presented a segment on the CBS evening news about a paper that discussed the possibility of fertility drugs causing ovarian cancer (Whittemore et al. Am J Epidemiol ... read more
Have you ever wondered what happens to all of the excess frozen embryos being stored at our facility that patients no longer wish to keep? Depending on the parent’s wishes, embryos can be disposed, ... read more
OK, so you have completed your cycle, be it the old fashioned way (intercourse), IUI, IVF. You call with a positive home pregnancy test or you come in for your scheduled pregnancy test. If you got ... read more
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Karande and Associates d/b/a InVia
Fertility Specialists